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HDFS Storage Backend

HDFS support is provided via the hdfs-native-object-store package, which sits on top of hdfs-native. This is an HDFS client written from scratch in Rust, with no bindings to libhdfs or any use of Java. While it supports most common cluster configurations, it does not support every possible client configuration that could exist.

Supported Configurations

By default, the client looks for existing Hadoop configs in following manner:

  • If the HADOOP_CONF_DIR environment variable is defined, load configs from $HADOOP_CONF_DIR/core-site.xml and $HADOOP_CONF_DIR/hdfs-site.xml
  • Otherwise, if the HADOOP_HOME environment variable is set, load configs from $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml and $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml

Additionally, you can pass Hadoop configs as storage_options and these will take precedence over the above configs.

Currently the supported client configuration parameters are:

  • dfs.ha.namenodes.* - name service support
  • dfs.namenode.rpc-address.* - name service support
  • fs.viewfs.mounttable.*.link.* - ViewFS links
  • fs.viewfs.mounttable.*.linkFallback - ViewFS link fallback

If you find your setup is not supported, please file an issue in the hdfs-native repository.

Secure Clusters

The client supports connecting to secure clusters through both Kerberos authentication as well as token authentication, and all SASL protection types are supported. The highest supported protection mechanism advertised by the server will be used.

Kerberos Support

Kerberos is supported through dynamically loading the libgssapi_krb5 library. This must be installed separately through your package manager, and currently only works on Linux and Mac.

Debian-based systems:

apt-get install libgssapi-krb5-2

RHEL-based systems:

yum install krb5-libs


brew install krb5

Then simply kinit to get your TGT and authentication to HDFS should just work.

Token Support

Token authentication is supported by looking for a token file located at the environment variable HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION. This is the location systems like YARN will automatically place a delegation token, so things will just work inside of YARN jobs.


If you face any HDFS-specific issues, please report to the hdfs-native-object-store repository.