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Loading a Delta Table

A DeltaTable represents the state of a delta table at a particular version. This includes which files are currently part of the table, the schema of the table, and other metadata such as creation time.


from deltalake import DeltaTable

dt = DeltaTable("../rust/tests/data/delta-0.2.0")
print(f"Version: {dt.version()}")
print(f"Files: {dt.files()}")


let table = deltalake::open_table("../rust/tests/data/simple_table").await.unwrap();
println!("Version: {}", table.version());
println!("Files: {}", table.get_files());

Depending on your storage backend, you could use the storage_options parameter to provide some configuration. Configuration is defined for specific backends - s3 options, azure options, gcs options.

>>> dt = DeltaTable("../rust/tests/data/delta-0.2.0", storage_options=storage_options)
let storage_options = HashMap::from_iter(vec![
    ("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID".to_string(), "THE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID".to_string()),
    ("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY".to_string(), "THE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY".to_string()),
let table = open_table_with_storage_options("../rust/tests/data/delta-0.2.0", storage_options).await?;

The configuration can also be provided via the environment, and the basic service provider is derived from the URL being used. We try to support many of the well-known formats to identify basic service properties.


  • s3://\<bucket>/\<path>
  • s3a://\<bucket>/\<path>

Note that delta-rs does not read credentials from a local .aws/config or .aws/creds file. Credentials can be accessed from environment variables, ec2 metadata, profiles or web identity. You can also pass credentials to storage_options using AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.


  • az://\<container>/\<path>
  • adl://\<container>/\<path>
  • abfs://\<container>/\<path>


  • gs://\<bucket>/\<path>

Alternatively, if you have a data catalog you can load it by reference to a database and table name. Currently only AWS Glue is supported.

For AWS Glue catalog, use AWS environment variables to authenticate.

>>> from deltalake import DeltaTable
>>> from deltalake import DataCatalog
>>> database_name = "simple_database"
>>> table_name = "simple_table"
>>> data_catalog = DataCatalog.AWS
>>> dt = DeltaTable.from_data_catalog(data_catalog=data_catalog, database_name=database_name, table_name=table_name)
>>> dt.to_pyarrow_table().to_pydict()
{'id': [5, 7, 9, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]}

Verify Table Existence

You can check whether or not a Delta table exists at a particular path by using the DeltaTable.is_deltatable() method.

from deltalake import DeltaTable

table_path = "<path/to/valid/table>"
# True

invalid_table_path = "<path/to/nonexistent/table>"
# False

bucket_table_path = "<path/to/valid/table/in/bucket>"
storage_options = {
DeltaTable.is_deltatable(bucket_table_path, storage_options)
# True
let table_path = "<path/to/valid/table>";
let builder = deltalake::DeltaTableBuilder::from_uri(table_path);;
// true

let invalid_table_path = "<path/to/nonexistent/table>";
let builder = deltalake::DeltaTableBuilder::from_uri(invalid_table_path);;
// false

let bucket_table_path = "<path/to/valid/table/in/bucket>";
let storage_options = HashMap::from_iter(vec![
    ("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID".to_string(), "THE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID".to_string()),
    ("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY".to_string(), "THE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY".to_string()),
let builder = deltalake::DeltaTableBuilder::from_uri(bucket_table_path).with_storage_options(storage_options);;
// true

Custom Storage Backends

While delta always needs its internal storage backend to work and be properly configured, in order to manage the delta log, it may sometime be advantageous - and is common practice in the arrow world - to customize the storage interface used for reading the bulk data.

deltalake will work with any storage compliant with pyarrow.fs.FileSystem, however the root of the filesystem has to be adjusted to point at the root of the Delta table. We can achieve this by wrapping the custom filesystem into a pyarrow.fs.SubTreeFileSystem.

import pyarrow.fs as fs
from deltalake import DeltaTable

path = "<path/to/table>"
filesystem = fs.SubTreeFileSystem(path, fs.LocalFileSystem())

dt = DeltaTable(path)
ds = dt.to_pyarrow_dataset(filesystem=filesystem)

When using the pyarrow factory method for file systems, the normalized path is provided on creation. In case of S3 this would look something like:

import pyarrow.fs as fs
from deltalake import DeltaTable

table_uri = "s3://<bucket>/<path>"
raw_fs, normalized_path = fs.FileSystem.from_uri(table_uri)
filesystem = fs.SubTreeFileSystem(normalized_path, raw_fs)

dt = DeltaTable(table_uri)
ds = dt.to_pyarrow_dataset(filesystem=filesystem)

Time Travel

To load previous table states, you can provide the version number you wish to load:

>>> dt = DeltaTable("../rust/tests/data/simple_table", version=2)
let mut table = open_table("./data/simple_table").await?;

Once you've loaded a table, you can also change versions using either a version number or datetime string:

>>> dt.load_version(1)
>>> dt.load_with_datetime("2021-11-04 00:05:23.283+00:00")
table.load_with_datetime("2021-11-04 00:05:23.283+00:00".parse().unwrap()).await?;


Previous table versions may not exist if they have been vacuumed, in which case an exception will be thrown. See Vacuuming tables for more information.

Load table from Unity Catalog

You may load a Delta Table from your Databricks or Open Source Unity Catalog using a uc:// URL of format uc://<catalog-name>.<db-name>.<table-name>. Example as follows:

import os
from deltalake import DeltaTable

# Set your Unity Catalog workspace URL in the
# DATABRICKS_WORKSPACE_URL environment variable.

# Set your Unity Catalog access token in the
# DATABRICKS_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable.
os.environ["DATABRICKS_ACCESS_TOKEN"] = "<unity-catalog-access-token-here>"

# Your Unity Catalog name here
catalog_name = "unity"

# Your UC database name here
db_name = "my_database"

# Your table name in the UC database here
table_name = "my_table"

# Full UC URL in required format
uc_full_url = f"{catalog_name}.{db_name}.{table_name}"

# This should load the valid delta table at specified location,
# and you can start using it.
dt = DeltaTable(uc_full_url)
# True