- generateAppendActions(Engine, Row, CloseableIterator<DataFileStatus>, DataWriteContext) - Static method in interface io.delta.kernel.Transaction
For given data files, generate Delta actions that can be committed in a transaction.
- get(String) - Method in class io.delta.kernel.types.FieldMetadata
- get(String) - Method in class io.delta.kernel.types.StructType
- getAllPrimitiveTypes() - Static method in class io.delta.kernel.types.BasePrimitiveType
For testing only
- getArray(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.ColumnVector
Return the array value located at rowId
- getArray(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.Row
Return array value of the column located at the given ordinal.
- getBinary(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.ColumnVector
Returns the binary type value for rowId
- getBinary(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.Row
Return binary value of the column located at the given ordinal.
- getBoolean(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.ColumnVector
Returns the boolean type value for rowId
- getBoolean(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.Row
Return boolean value of the column located at the given ordinal.
- getByte(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.ColumnVector
Returns the byte type value for rowId
- getByte(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.Row
Return byte value of the column located at the given ordinal.
- getChild(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.ColumnVector
Get the child vector associated with the given ordinal.
- getChildren() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Column
- getChildren() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.expressions.Expression
- getChildren() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Literal
- getChildren() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.PartitionValueExpression
- getChildren() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.ScalarExpression
- getColumnVector(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.ColumnarBatch
Return the
for the given ordinal in the columnar batch.
- getData() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.data.FilteredColumnarBatch
- getDataType() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.ColumnVector
- getDataType() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Literal
Get the datatype of the literal object.
- getDataType() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.PartitionValueExpression
Get the data type of the partition value.
- getDataType() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.types.StructField
- getDecimal(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.ColumnVector
Returns the decimal type value for rowId
- getDecimal(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.Row
Return decimal value of the column located at the given ordinal.
- getDescription() - Method in enum io.delta.kernel.Operation
Returns the string that will be recorded in the transaction log.
- getDouble(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.ColumnVector
Returns the double type value for rowId
- getDouble(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.Row
Return double value of the column located at the given ordinal.
- getElements() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.ArrayValue
- getElementType() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.types.ArrayType
- getEntries() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.types.FieldMetadata
- getEvaluator(StructType, Expression, DataType) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.engine.ExpressionHandler
- getExpressionHandler() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.engine.Engine
- getFileSystemClient() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.engine.Engine
- getFloat(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.ColumnVector
Returns the float type value for rowId
- getFloat(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.Row
Return float value of the column located at the given ordinal.
- getInput() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.PartitionValueExpression
Get the expression reference to the serialized partition value.
- getInt(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.ColumnVector
Returns the int type value for rowId
- getInt(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.Row
Return integer value of the column located at the given ordinal.
- getJsonHandler() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.engine.Engine
- getKeys() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.MapValue
- getKeyType() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.types.MapType
- getLatestSnapshot(Engine) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.Table
Get the latest snapshot of the table.
- getLeft() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.And
- getLeft() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Or
- getLong(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.ColumnVector
Returns the long type value for rowId
- getLong(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.Row
Return long value of the column located at the given ordinal.
- getMap(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.ColumnVector
Return the map value located at rowId
- getMap(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.Row
Return map value of the column located at the given ordinal.
- getMaxValues() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.utils.DataFileStatistics
Get the maximum values of the columns in the data file.
- getMessage() - Method in exception io.delta.kernel.exceptions.TableAlreadyExistsException
- getMetadata() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.types.StructField
- getMinValues() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.utils.DataFileStatistics
Get the minimum values of the columns in the data file.
- getModificationTime() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.utils.FileStatus
Get the modification time of the file in epoch millis.
- getName() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.ScalarExpression
- getName() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.types.StructField
- getNames() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Column
- getNullCounts() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.utils.DataFileStatistics
Get the number of nulls of columns in the data file.
- getNumRecords() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.utils.DataFileStatistics
Get the number of records in the data file.
- getParquetHandler() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.engine.Engine
- getPartitionColumns(Engine) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.Transaction
Get the list of logical names of the partition columns.
- getPath() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.engine.FileReadRequest
Get the fully qualified path of the file from which to read the data.
- getPath(Engine) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.Table
The fully qualified path of this
- getPath() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.utils.FileStatus
Get the path to the file.
- getPrecision() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.types.DecimalType
- getPredicateEvaluator(StructType, Predicate) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.engine.ExpressionHandler
- getReadLength() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.engine.FileReadRequest
Get the length of the data to read from the file starting at the startOffset.
- getRemainingFilter() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.Scan
Get the remaining filter that is not guaranteed to be satisfied for the data Delta Kernel
- getRight() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.And
- getRight() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Or
- getRows() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.ColumnarBatch
- getRows() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.data.FilteredColumnarBatch
Iterator of rows that survived the filter.
- getScale() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.types.DecimalType
- getScanBuilder(Engine) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.Snapshot
Create a scan builder to construct a
to read data from this snapshot.
- getScanFiles(Engine) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.Scan
Get an iterator of data files to scan.
- getScanState(Engine) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.Scan
Get the scan state associated with the current scan.
- getSchema() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.ColumnarBatch
- getSchema() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.Row
- getSchema(Engine) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.Snapshot
Get the schema of the table at this snapshot.
- getSchema(Engine) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.Transaction
Get the schema of the table.
- getSelectionVector() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.data.FilteredColumnarBatch
Optional selection vector containing one entry for each row in data indicating whether
a row is selected or not selected.
- getShort(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.ColumnVector
Returns the short type value for rowId
- getShort(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.Row
Return short value of the column located at the given ordinal.
- getSize() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.ArrayValue
The number of elements in the array
- getSize() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.ColumnarBatch
- getSize() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.ColumnVector
- getSize() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.MapValue
The number of elements in the map
- getSize() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.utils.FileStatus
Get the size of the file in bytes.
- getSnapshotAsOfTimestamp(Engine, long) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.Table
Get the snapshot of the table at the given timestamp
- getSnapshotAsOfVersion(Engine, long) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.Table
Get the snapshot at the given versionId
- getStartOffset() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.engine.FileReadRequest
Get the start offset in the file from where to start reading the data.
- getStatistics() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.utils.DataFileStatus
Get the statistics of the data file encapsulated in this object.
- getStatisticsColumns() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.DataWriteContext
Returns the list of
that the connector can optionally collect statistics.
- getString(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.ColumnVector
Returns the string type value for rowId
- getString(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.Row
Return string value of the column located at the given ordinal.
- getStruct(int) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.Row
Return struct value of the column located at the given ordinal.
- getTablePath() - Method in exception io.delta.kernel.exceptions.TableNotFoundException
- getTargetDirectory() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.DataWriteContext
Returns the target directory where the data should be written.
- getTransactionState(Engine) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.Transaction
Get the state of the transaction.
- getValue() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Literal
Get the literal value.
- getValues() - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.data.MapValue
- getValueType() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.types.MapType
- getVersion(Engine) - Method in interface io.delta.kernel.Snapshot
Get the version of this snapshot in the table.
- getVersion() - Method in class io.delta.kernel.TransactionCommitResult
Contains the version of the transaction committed as.
- getWriteContext(Engine, Row, Map<String, Literal>) - Static method in interface io.delta.kernel.Transaction
Get the context for writing data into a table.
- of(String, long, long) - Static method in class io.delta.kernel.utils.FileStatus
Create a
with the given path, size and modification time.
- ofBinary(byte[]) - Static method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Literal
Create a binary
type literal expression.
- ofBoolean(boolean) - Static method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Literal
Create a boolean
type literal expression.
- ofByte(byte) - Static method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Literal
Create a byte
type literal expression.
- ofDate(int) - Static method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Literal
Create a date
type literal expression.
- ofDecimal(BigDecimal, int, int) - Static method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Literal
Create a decimal
type literal expression.
- ofDouble(double) - Static method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Literal
Create a double
type literal expression.
- ofFloat(float) - Static method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Literal
Create a float
type literal expression.
- ofInt(int) - Static method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Literal
Create a integer
type literal expression.
- ofLong(long) - Static method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Literal
Create a long
type literal expression.
- ofNull(DataType) - Static method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Literal
Create null
value literal.
- ofShort(short) - Static method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Literal
Create a short
type literal expression.
- ofString(String) - Static method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Literal
Create a string
type literal expression.
- ofTimestamp(long) - Static method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Literal
Create a timestamp
type literal expression.
- ofTimestampNtz(long) - Static method in class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Literal
Create a timestamp_ntz
type literal expression.
- Operation - Enum in io.delta.kernel
An operation that can be performed on a Delta table.
- Or - Class in io.delta.kernel.expressions
- Or(Predicate, Predicate) - Constructor for class io.delta.kernel.expressions.Or